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Our coffees

Quality. Enjoyment.

With our coffee and espresso blends, we pay attention to the highest quality and only use specialty coffees for their production. In addition to our popular organic espresso Tschutschu and our fine Café Crema Sandor, we are always looking for new specialty coffees that inspire you and us. Our youngest member is the aroma coffee Neeku.

We obtain our organic coffee exclusively from the most popular coffee regions in the world. Thanks to years of roasting experience and passion, our master roasters can create great moments of pleasure with creative inspiration.


Welcome Neeku!

For a long time it has been our hearts’ desire to share our love and passion for coffee with coffee lovers in North America.

This is where the story of our new coffee blend Neeku has its beginning: together with our roast master, we searched for a coffee that impresses with its extraordinary, elegant and soft body. It was obvious from the start that the fine, fruity orange aroma could not be missing in an area around Florida.

Thus our aroma coffee, with its delicate acidity and harmonious, full orange body became both the motto and cornerstone of our next milestone: an expansion to North America.

The name of the coffee blend, Neeku, has a special origin and creates a very personal connection for us - it was personally chosen by one of our youngest community members and is a dedication embodying growth, trust and passion for coffee for us and for our brand.

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